Don't Just Treat Your Yeast Infection Symptom ! Get lasting Relief...

What's Causing My Yeast Infection...

Your Yeast Infection Symptoms are your bodies reaction to an excessive build up of the Yeast Fungus 'Candida Albicans'. O.k, It may seem a bit 'gross', the idea that you have a 'fungus' living in your body, but it is simply a term used to describe a very natural family of organism within the human body.

We are after all one big living organism, of all sorts of cells. Each of these groups of 'cells' has one main motive -'the desire for life'! and their built in mechanisms are programmed for one purpose only - to 'grow and multiply' and to thrive!

With out the bodies natural checks in place most organisms will just over multiply in their strive to thrive. As they all exist in balance with each other, this natural balance can be thrown off with one organism taking too much resources and space. The result is a 'reaction' usually in the form of inflamation in the effected body part. In the case of yeast infections this often occurs in the membrane of the skin, it literally flares up in reaction to the massive build up of yeast cells.

The Good Old Immune System to the Rescue

So the human body contains its own set of checks and balances to make sure none of our living organisms gets too ambitious and over multiplies. One cool way it does this is through our bodies 'Immune system'.

This is set up in a way that allows all our various organisms to co-exist, usually allowing the 'good organisms' to keep have a degree of power over other organisms, that if allowed to freely grow without restraint would start causing us ill effects.

One main trigger of the Candida Fungus cells multiplying and growing more than usual, is when our Immune System has taken a 'beating' for one reason or another (usually after a course of antibiotics).

When the Immune system is not as powerful, one organism which is particularly quick to take advantage of the situation is a yeast fungus called Candida Albicans (the source of your yeast infection symptom).

With less restraint from the Immune system, it simply goes for it, multiplying as fast as it can. Our bodies react negatively to the resulting massive build up of its yeast cells.

Itchy Sore and Inflamed - no wonder I feel terrible :(

We experience this reaction in the form of a Yeast Infection Symptom. Most of the bodies reaction to the build up is typically to become inflamed, red, sore, itchy around the skin were its formed its build up of cells.

Given that the Candida cells thrive in dark, warm areas in the body, it's most common to get a yeast infection (also known as thrush) within the Vagina, urinary tract, mouth or any fold of skin.

So to recap: With a Yeast Infection there is usually a trigger and in most cases this is a lowered Immune system. Which, if not following a course of antibiotics, is caused by any life event which takes you out of your usual pattern. It could be an illness, a stressful period in your life, over working or even a lack of sleep.

Identifying this 'trigger' in your life and addressing this along with your yeast infection symptom really is the key to effectively dealing with your Yeast Infection.


There is a clear and tried method you can check out to Relieve Yeast Infection and vaginal odor in under 12 hours! For this easy and effective method...Click Here Now!